

a.       Write 6 new words that you found and write their definitions

Blame                 find fault with something
Brand                 The name of product
Deliberately         consciously and intentionally    

b.      What does misleading advertisement (ad) mean?

Batteries are on sale. But not all brand batteries on sale.

c.       Have you ever read an advertisement (ad) at a store that was misleading? Write about your experience (or your partner’s/classmate’s experience) in 1-3 sentences

Bigger discount!!! But only just a little goods have discount.
d.      Do you think advertisements are easy to read and follow based on the 3 conversations you read? Why or why not?

Not easy to read. The price is in big letters, and the brand is in tiny letters.

e.       Can you think of any examples of misleading ads that you have seen in a store? Write 1-2 examples.
    Sorry, I haven't misled by ads. Because I don't like go to store.


Feb, 4, 2015

  1. Why do people like to eat at restaurants?     A: We are like go out for dinner in special weekend, with my family and data.
  2. How do you ask for a table when…
    1. you don’t have a reservation           A: I would like to have a table for 4
    2. you do have a reservation              A: I have a reservation in the name of zhuoli
  3. What is more formal when you want to order food?    A:  a
    1. I would like to have…
    2. I will have…
  4. What can you say when you would like the special?   A: Did you have any special?
  5. What are some of the wrong ways to call a server to your table?  A: hello or Hi
  6. What is a polite way of calling the server?     A: Excuse me!
  7. What can you say when the server asks, ‘how is everything?’
    1. When the food is good…               A: The food is delicious!
    2. When the food is not good…         A: Could you replace it, please?
  8. How do you ask for the check or bill?        A: Could I have the bill, please?
  9. What can you ask if you would like to take the rest of your food home?  A: Could I have a doggy bag? 
  10. List new 4-5 words or expressions that you learned from the video.  Garlic  Spicy Greasy Delicious Scrumptious